Catching Up with TO12H: Moving Pieces!

Lou's House Intro Comparison
Background art design – old man Lou’s house

Let’s get caught up and see what’s good and how things are going within the world of TO12H | The Opposite 12th Hour. All of the pieces are being moved into place, there’s a lot of moving pieces. I’ve amassed all the backgrounds for the opening intro theme and I’m finalizing each one of them now and look amazing, the background process is a tedious process, but it’s worth it. I’m now on final clean up and coloring and placing them back into the edit for final animation.

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LEVEL UP! The Opposite 12th Hour – First Look

Level up, I am very excited to debut TO12H unraveling the creative process let’s jump into where things are currently at. Showcasing all facets of creating animatics, character designs and rigging, 3D mockups that aid in the overall scale and design of backgrounds and the world building of TO12H there’s a lot to unpack.

For most of the characters they’re created witch different angle and rigged to a skeleton structure, and a few shots they’re combine with (fbf) frame by frame as Vincent when he leaves the the portal and the portal, the box flip and the pop-up Onioodles box are fbf. Backgrounds are drawn by hand and digitally painted and cut apart and then stitched back together and are then layered in the edit. As far as animation specifics I’m building the episode at 30 frames per second (fps) and I’m animating on ones, some shots vary on twos and ones it just depends on what feels right.

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Quick Up Big Up!

The animation production process is a lengthy pool to swim in and it’s been a lot longer then I’ve planned on. I’ve been getting backgrounds complete for the intro theme and other sequences of the first episode which I’ve been scanning into the system and cleaning up.

I put together a simple build of Vincent’s house (crude render) in 3D and the one camera that I have setup can travel thru the 3 main levels of the house and it looks really amazing. It should be quite helpful for future reference it’s all good stuff.

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Quick Catch Up!

Still at it, it’s a process and I wanted to do a quick catch up on the progress. I’m still piecing together the backgrounds and working on the opening theme animation. I’ve blocked out a majority of final shots, which leaves me with pencil sketches and inking the line art at this point and then onto animation.

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New things. Old things. Same things.

Let me explain. New things, new shiny pictures there’s a few updates to the site, I got a new banner, it’s shiny and new, it’s a new thing. Also new are the prints, there’s a small selection to start out, it’s good stuff. I screen print them all by hand, so wander a click over to the store, it’s new.

Old things, besides the guy writing this post. The backgrounds I’ve been locked down to are getting done. I’m looking towards a week out to have a finished sequence, I really want to get this out there, so that’s kind of a same thing. Until next time. -bryan

Quick Up…

Existence entry: Silence is the understanding of creation. New content will be releasing soon; I’m working on it and it looks very (fill in your generational slang for good.) Until next time. -bryan

Big Up!

Big up! Currently in the stream, fishing the idea pool, been there for awhile now. The shallow and sometimes deep dive into the imaginational water seems to cast a wide net. That’s right, imaginational goodness with not one but two, yes two, two projects are being incubated around in the hatchery.

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