Mega Up!

Mega mega up, The Opposite 12th Hour is moving along at a steady pace I’m currently reworking backgrounds, I’ll have some new stills and animated content releasing soon. I also wanted to give another up, another big up as to what the second project is. The second entry is that of the one and only Tito Broco: Professional Bath Bather, you can check out the title logo over on that page to gain some insight, until next time.

On a side note, as I’m still building my machine, I will be adding content on youtube and twitter as well as few other platforms. If you would kindly follow and subscribe, I’d appreciate it. – bryan

Big Up!!

How many big ups does it take to get to the middle of a Jabber Studios release the world may never know. With this update I would like to say there will be new content released for The Opposite 12th Hour within a few weeks. I’ve currently been working on character rigs and turnarounds, and I got to get a jump on backgrounds, I have a whole list of things to do. I’m a big fan of presentation, I suppose that’s why it’s taking so long to release things, but I’m trying.

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Big Up!

Big up! Currently in the stream, fishing the idea pool, been there for awhile now. The shallow and sometimes deep dive into the imaginational water seems to cast a wide net. That’s right, imaginational goodness with not one but two, yes two, two projects are being incubated around in the hatchery.

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